
For a clean and fast development environment

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Table of Contents


DevPot is a new version of Maxlab Stacker.



Get DevPot:

$ git clone
# OR
$ git clone

Run in DevPot directory

# make a symbolic link to your folder with all your projects 
$ ln -s /your_path/to_all_your_own_projects ./workspace
# copy .env.dist to .env and change it
$ cp .env.dist .env
# Add docker group
$ sudo groupadd docker
# Add your user to the docker group
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# Now restart? Or find an other way to complete the usermod changes
$ docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d && docker-compose ps
$ mv ./test ./workspace
# Then open http://php.test.localhost/ in your browser

Run Docker as non root

Move your projects

On the ship


Create a Self-Signed Certificate

$ devpot create-certificate test # Replace test with your domain


Which settings in the configs for my projects?

What external ports are listening images?

Xdebug + PhpStorm configuration

  1. Go to Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP
  2. Click the … behind your interperter

How to contact the any instances DevPot in console?

You can do so:

$ /your_path/to_devpot_folder/bin/devpot console

But, it will be much better:

# for bash
$ echo 'export PATH=/your_path/to_devpot_folder/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc 
# for ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'export PATH=/your_path/to_devpot_folder/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc
# then restart console and run
$ devpot console

Laravel5 completion

$ devpot console
$ cd to_laravel5_folder
$ la5 [tab*2]


$ devpot usage # for list available commands
$ devpot console # for enter to console
$ devpot logs <cont_name> -f # for logs stream container
$ devpot build && devpot down && devpot up && devpot ps # for full rebuild